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Eversley Primary School’s prize winning hydration performance

Most Primary schools now actively encourage pupils to regularly intake fluid, aware that dehydration can lead to fatigue and affect concentration and performance.

Many now recognise that a quality refillable water bottle can even help do this profitably. Reusable bottles are a successful fundraising item and can help reduce school litter.

For Eversley Primary School in Enfield, North London however, this hydration challenge has become an exceptionally rewarding one since July 2013. 

Their schools Eco-Club were successful winners of a London-wide bottle design competition, arranged by Thames Water and endorsed by the Mayor of London.

For their prize, Eversley were awarded a customised HydraChill 2-in-1 Chilled Water Refilling Station and 500 free 500ml Schoolbottles featuring their eye-catching design. The winning bottle can be sold independently or from the HydraChill unit. 

As supplier of the water bottles we at NDA Packaging Services are obviously delighted to have our Schoolbottle, with popular ‘hands free’ lids, associated with this project. What has been especially pleasing however is the remarkable use and sustained benefit the project has brought to the school and its children.

The popularity of the installation has been extraordinary. Demand is such that monitors were appointed to collect class bottles and refill them twice daily. In barely six months since the machine’s installation and for just the schools 8-11 year age group, over 17,000 uses have been recorded.

That’s 17,000 bottles refilled rather than thrown to litter. 17,000 children regularly hydrated in the healthiest, sugar-free way possible. Piped to them by the most carbon efficient method yet designed. Who needs bottled water transport when we have taps?

Pupils from the EcoClub (aged 8-11) commented:
"Everyone in the school now wants to drink tap water. It tastes great, it's free and it means that we don't waste money and destroy the environment by throwing away plastic bottles each day. Our winning bottles can also be sold to raise money for Eco Club activities."

For schools looking to manage hydration, generate funds and promote environmental awareness this is a wonderful combination and we at NDA Packaging are proud to play a proactive part. For more information on the HydraChill project and our Schoolbottle just contact us via or ring us on 01792 863331. Our favourite part of the day job is hearing from you!
Official NHS Supplier
Our bottles are certified BPA free
Healthy Schools
Green World
GAA Winner